Monday, April 6, 2009

Oregon CU advocates converge for CU Day at Capitol

BEAVERTON, Ore. (4/6/09)--More than 200 credit union supporters converged on Oregon's state capital March 16 to educate members of the House and Senate on credit unions' functions, contributions to the state's economy and service to 1.4 million members.

Credit Union Day is one of the largest lobby days at the state Capitol. This year's theme was "Oregon Credit Unions Safe, Sound and Working for our communities."

Credit union advocates met with nearly every legislative office to discuss the current credit union legislative agenda, said the Credit Union Association of Oregon (CUAO). Credit union booths drew traffic from legislators, staffers and Capitol visitors, helping spread the message that credit unions are a highly visible and active presence in their communities, and vocal advocates and active participants in the state political process.

Speakers included Senate President Peter Courtney, Senate Republican Leader Ted Ferrioli, Speaker of the House Dave Hunt, and Sen. Rick Metsger.

"No one illustrates the credit union difference, and the work our credit unions are doing in their communities during this tough economy, better than credit union advocates," said Pamela Leavitt, CUAO senior vice president of governmental affairs and public relations. "Oregon legislators always appreciate the opportunity to meet with representatives from their districts."

The day ended with a reception at during which legislators visited with credit union leaders in a more casual setting.

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