Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Study: CUs should market to Gen X, Y through e-mail

BOSTON (7/16/08)--Credit unions looking to market to members of Generations X and Y may want to reference a recent study indicating that e-mail is one of the most effective ways to reach them.

Aite Group surveyed a group of 500 consumers to see in which channels--e-mail, online, at the ATM, or on their cell phones--they would most like to receive marketing offers.

While nearly six in 10 consumers said they are open to receiving offers from at least one of four common marketing channels, four in 10 said they would like to receive special offers and coupons through e-mail, Aite said.

Gen X demonstrated the strongest interest--53%--in e-mail marketing, followed by Gen Y at 47%.

Baby boomers are less interested, and senior citizens demonstrate the least interest in being contacted through e-mail for marketing purposes.

"While a surprisingly high number of consumers are open to receiving marketing offers, financial services marketers must take certain measures to capitalize on the opportunity," said Ron Shevlin, senior analyst with Aite Group and report author. "They must develop channel preference models, integrate marketing technologies and improve consumer trust in e-mail."

courtesy of

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