Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pa. CUs share ideas on coping with high gas prices

HARRSIBURG, Pa. (7/16/08)--The Pennsylvania Credit Union Association (PCUA) recently solicited ideas from credit unions and employees on gas-saving policies and other transportation cost-cutting efforts.

Rising energy costs can cause stress on employees, and even impact worker productivity, PCUA said. By listening to employees, providing education on managing finances, being creative and thinking non-traditionally, employers can be leaders in helping employees (Life is a Highway July 15).

Some examples of what Pennsylvania credit unions are doing to ease the gas pinch:
  • Employees of AT&T Employees Pittsburgh, Pa. FCU are compensated $2 for each day they work. They are reimbursed on a monthly basis. The new benefit was implemented Jan. 1 and will be ongoing.
  • Incol CU, Old Forge, has adjusted its monthly staff meeting schedule. Rather than asking all employees to drive to the main office for the meeting, information packets are sent out to branch employees in advance. The meetings are then conducted via conference call--which also has reduced expenses for the credit union, because food was provided for the in-person meetings.
  • Timberland FCU in DuBois and Clearfield purchases large quantities of fuel cards for area gas stations. The credit union gets a 5% discount. These cards, in turn, are sold to employees at the discount. The credit union also received permission to resell the cards to members as a fundraiser. A $50 gas card is being sold for $48.50, and $1 goes to charity for each card sold.
  • Employees at Viriva Community CU, Philadelphia, have worked to better coordinate trips between the credit union's five branches. Teresa Hilinski, Viriva marketing manager, says staff from various departments used to make their own trips to branches. Now, items are gathered from departments and sent with the next person making a trip. The credit union is enforcing carpooling among employees when staff meetings are held at one location.

PCUA also is considering options for staff. Management appointed a six-person task force to research and provide recommendations on what could be done to help employees. The committee has submitted a report to management for consideration.

courtesy of

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