Tuesday, September 8, 2009

House to commemorate Federal Credit Union Act

WASHINGTON (9/8/09)--The House of Representatives returns to Washington from summer recess this week, and one item on the table is H.Res. 556, a bill that recognizes the 75th anniversary of the passage of the federal credit union act.

Credit Union National Association (CUNA) officials have been told that the commemorative bill, which celebrates the "vibrant Federal credit union community that was created" following the passage of the Act, would be considered under suspension of the rules this week.

The bill also recognizes credit unions for their past service to the country as well as their continued "valuable services" provided to their members and the "economic stimulus" that credit unions have provided to the Nation "even as we face a financial crisis today."

The recognition precedes CUNA's 75th anniversary celebration, which will be held in Estes Park, Colorado. A number of CUNA committee and board meetings will also take place during the celebration, which is scheduled for September 14-17. National Credit Union Administration board member Gigi Hyland is also scheduled to speak during a meeting of board members.

Courtesy of cuna.org

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