Monday, August 24, 2009

Wash. league hosts first 'Evolution Summit'

FEDERAL WAY, Wash. (8/24/09)--The Washington Credit Union League is fostering discussion about the evolution of the credit union movement in Washington and worldwide through a strategic effort called "Evolution Summit."

The league's first of a series of Evolution Forums was held Tuesday and included discussions designed to make attendees think about the future of credit unions and how they should evolve in changing times.

The specific issue discussed was the charter: Can the credit unions' charter be salvaged or is an entirely new option necessary? And with what changes?

More than 25 state and national credit unions leaders gathered for the event that featured Bucky Sebastian, president/CEO of GTE FCU, Tampa, Fla., and co-founder of Callahan & Associates Inc. The event also featured Marv Umholz, a 33-year credit union industry veteran and president/CEO of Umholz Strategic Planning & Consulting Services, Olympia, Wash.

The discussions will be the basis for a legislative and regulatory agenda for the league, helping it envision where it will want to be in the near and distant future.

Courtesy of

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