Friday, May 8, 2009

CUs are so smart, it's obvious--Oregon ad campaign

BEAVERTON, Ore. (5/7/09)--Credit unions are so smart, it's obvious, according to a Credit Union Association of Oregon (CUAO) ad campaign with animated TV spots that will run through the end of June.

The spots, launched late last month, feature several situations that could get one into trouble--such as salmon fishing next to a grizzly bear. Each spot ends with the question, "So why would you do your banking anywhere besides a credit union?"

"Making the choice between a bank and a credit union has always been clear to those of us in the [credit union] movement and members who have been with us their whole lives. And our economy is only making the distinction more clear," said Laura Wieking, CUAO director of communications. "But we still have a lot of work to do to make consumers understand that credit union membership is available to everyone."

The campaign was funded by voluntary contributions from 49 Oregon credit unions. CUAO has incorporated pre- and post-campaign measurement to gauge the campaign's effectiveness in raising credit union awareness.

To view the spots, use the link.

courtesy of

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