Tuesday, March 24, 2009

CU Day attracts 100 Vermont lawmakers

SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vt. (3/23/09)--Vermont credit unions' Credit Union Day in the Vermont Statehouse attracted more than 100 state legislators, who stopped by the Association of Vermont Credit Unions' (AVCU) display Thursday.

AVCU management and its lobbying team spent the day chatting with lawmakers, answering questions, distributing informational handouts, and registering legislators for a random drawing for a Garmin GPS navigation system. The winner will be presented at AVCU's annual Legislator Appreciation Reception in late April.

According to AVCU President Joe Bergeron, advocacy for Vermont credit unions is the association's primary mission. "This day in the Statehouse, and our upcoming Legislator Appreciation Reception, are integral components of our overall effort to make sure legislators understand what credit unions are all about," he said.

"Connecting lawmakers with credit union leaders, and maintaining a positive dialogue with the legislators who ultimately determine the regulatory landscape under which we operate, is one of our most important functions," Bergeron added.

Throughout the day, conversation focused on the state and national economies, said AVCU. Legislators expressed their understanding that credit unions played no part in causing the turmoil and continue to act responsibly to help their members. In its display, AVCU used graphics from the Credit Union National Association's "Credit Unions Look Out for the Little Guy" campaign to reinforce the message.

"We heard many legislators speak positively about credit unions and the efforts they've made during these adverse economic times," said Bryan Kent, AVCU vice president. "Several of the legislators we spoke with expressed their appreciation for all that credit unions are doing to help consumers weather the storm."

courtesy of cuna.org

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