Friday, December 12, 2008

Radio: Manage money during financial crisis, holidays

WASHINGTON (12/12/08)--With the holidays fast approaching, it's crunch time for shopping and planning. H&FF Radio guests weigh in on gift card do's and don'ts, creating positive and affordable holiday memories, and how to manage finances during the current economic crisis.

Home & Family Finance airs Sundays at 3 p.m. EST on the Radio America Network. The show also is carried on American Forces Radio Network. The one-hour program devoted to consumer finance issues is brought to you by America's credit unions and their 90 million members, and is presented by CO-OP Network.

The Credit Union National Association (CUNA) and Radio America are podcasting Home & Family Finance through iTunes, Podcast Alley, Odeo, and other popular podcast library sites, as well as on Radio America and CUNA's websites.

Sunday's show, which you also can hear later via the Internet, features Paul Berry, Washington, D.C., journalist and broadcaster, discussing these topics with special guests:

"Creating Holiday Memories," with Alisa Cohn, executive coach and consultant, Brookline, Mass.;

"Managing Personal Finances During a Crisis," with John Ulzheimer, president, Educational Services, New York;

"Fresh Money Management Ideas From the Editors of Home & Family Finance," with Susan Tiffany, director of personal finance information for adults, CUNA, Madison, Wis.;

"Gift Cards or Gift Horse?" with Anthony Giorgianni, associate editor, Consumer Reports, Yonkers, N.Y.; and

Listener Q&A.

Home & Family Finance is a resource center for personal finance information at CUNA. The radio show is sponsored by CO-OP Network, the national credit union ATM network; Cabot Creamery Cooperative, maker of award-winning cheddar; Visa; and Western Corporate FCU and its member credit unions. For more information, read "What Happens to Unused Gift Card Cash?" in Home & Family Finance Resource Center.

courtesy of

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