Tuesday, December 9, 2008

iBelong sticker in scene of NBC's 'The Office'

HARRISBURG, Pa. (12/9/09) -- An iBelong.org sticker posted on a bulletin board was included in a scene in last week's episode of NBC's "The Office."

Lynn Loomis, director of marketing and technology for Frick Tri-County FCU, Uniontown, says it was her attention to detail that spotted the sticker right away above the receptionist's desk in the episode titled, "The Surplus" (Life is a Highway Dec. 8).

Loomis says she's always looking for unique and interesting ways to market the credit union and make people more aware of the benefits of credit union membership. She hopes that the show had curious viewers visiting the iBelong.org website.

"The Office" premiered on NBC in March 2005, and is a "docu-reality" parody about modern American office life, which delves into the lives of workers at Dunder Mifflin paper supply company in Scranton, Pa.

The Pennsylvania Credit Union Association's iBelong campaign launched on TV and radio stations throughout Pennsylvania in July 2006. Since then, several other leagues have licensed the campaign. Consumers seeking to join a credit union can visit the iBelong.org website for online search locators. The website contains commercials and credit union facts also are featured (News Now Oct. 8).

courtesy of cuna.org

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