Friday, November 7, 2008

Leagues analyze state election results

MADISON, Wis. (11/7/08)--Results are coming in after Tuesday elections, and credit union leagues are reporting their successes.

The Ohio Credit Union League reported that Democrats will take the majority in the state House of Representatives. Future legislation will require more bipartisan cooperation, said John Kozlowski, general counsel at the Ohio Credit Union League (eLumination Newsletter Nov. 6).

Credit union-backed candidates elected include: Denise Driehaus (D), Cheryl Grossman (R), Kris Jordan (R), Peggy Lehner (R) and Margaret Anna Ruhl (R).

State Treasurer Richard Cordray was elected Ohio Attorney General. The league has a good relationship with him, Kozlowski said.

"The Ohio Credit Union League looks forward to working with the leadership, general assembly and administration to make Ohio better for its citizens and the ability of our credit unions to make more of their products and services available throughout Ohio," Kozlowski said.

As Pennsylvania credit unions celebrated the re-election of credit union friend U.S. Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D), the original sponsor of the Credit Union Regulatory Improvements Act (CURIA), the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association (PCUA) also addressed credit unions' success in state-level elections.

Rob McCord, Credit Union Better Choice enthusiast, defeated Tom Ellis for state treasurer. Long-time credit union supporters state Reps. Dan Surra (D-75) and Vince Biancucci (D-15) were defeated by their Republican challengers (Life is a Highway Nov. 6).

PCUA also thanked credit union advocates for volunteering their time to support candidates.

Texas credit unions had a 96% success rate in the state elections. Results of the Texas races are preliminary--as of press time, 40 precincts were still due to report.

John Culberson (R-Houston), a CURIA co-sponsor, and Michael McCaul (R-Austin) were "candidates to watch," according to the Texas Credit Union League. Both retained their seats.

Unofficial results in Maine indicate 90% of the 88 candidates endorsed by the Maine Credit Union League were elected.

In the Senate, 27 of the league's 28 endorsed candidates won. In the House, 51 of 60 endorsed candidates were elected.

Two members of the legislature are also credit union board members--Rep. Herbert Clark, Katahdin FCU, Millinocket;,and Michael Lajoie, Lewiston Municipal FCU, Lewiston.

"We have great friends from both parties in the legislature so we anticipate strong support for our issues and positions in the upcoming session," said John Murphy, Maine league president.

courtesy of

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