Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Go Direct: Crime month good time to switch from paper

WASHINGTON (9/24/08)--The U.S. Treasury Department's "Go Direct" campaign is again highlighting October's distinction as Crime Prevention Month as making it the perfect time to encourage the safety benefits of direct deposit for Social Security payments.

Entering its fourth year, the Go Direct promotional campaign urges the recipients of government benefits checks to opt for electronic delivery as a means to eliminate the risk of stolen checks and forgeries, and to reduce exposure to identity theft.

In addition to direct deposit, Go Direct is promoting its Direct Express Debit MasterCard card as another means to eliminate the risk of lost or stolen checks.

Free materials are available to help promote the safer payment options, including newsletter copy, fliers and posters, talking points and PowerPoint slides, Web banners and flashing safety lights.

The Credit Union National Association (CUNA)—a national partner of the Go Direct campaign--supports the program and backs its goals of providing a secure delivery method for those receiving benefits checks.

In addition, direct deposit saves taxpayer dollars: It is estimated that if all recipients of federal benefit checks switched to direct deposit, millions of taxpayers' dollars would be saved annually.

courtesy of

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