Monday, August 4, 2008

Missouri CUs offer incentives for staff to go green

JEFFERSON CITY and ST. LOUIS, Mo. (8/1/08)--Some Missouri credit unions are offering incentives for employees to make more eco-friendly decisions, according to the Missouri Credit Union Association.

Staff at Conservation Employees CU, Jefferson City, have accepted a challenge to conserve and "gain some green." The $57 million asset credit union offers employees incentives for walking or riding a bike to work, car pooling, and not driving to lunch each day. Employees can earn $25 or $50 incentives for making these conservation efforts at least 15 days a month (Courier Net July 30).

The challenge began July 1, and it is estimated that about 80% of the staff will qualify for the full incentive, said Louie Delk, Conservation president.

"Employees are saving money at the pump, spending less eating out and earning an incentive," Delk said. "In these challenging economic times, it is hard to beat that combination."

Vantage CU, St. Louis, a $99 million asset credit union, also is helping employees cope with high gas prices. Through a summer incentive program, all full-time and part-time employees received a Quik Trip gas card in June and July, and can expect one in August.

"We're seeing employees change their behavior in response to the rising gas prices, said Hubert Hoosman, Vantage CEO. "We hope the gas cards will help ease some of the burden they are facing at the pump."

courtesy of

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