Monday, August 25, 2008

Homes for Our Troops contributions surpass goal

DENVER (8/25/08)--America's credit unions exceeded the $300,000 goal to help present two disabled veterans with new homes during the upcoming national presidential conventions.

The Credit Union National Association (CUNA), the Credit Union Association of Colorado and Wyoming, and Minnesota Credit Union Network, along with the National Journal Group and the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, are jointly sponsoring homes for two disabled U.S. servicemen wounded in the line of duty.

Credit unions are building the homes for Army Sgt. Marcus Kuboy in St. Paul, Minn., site of the Republican convention, and Staff Sgt. Travis Strong in Golden, Colo., near the Denver site of the Democratic convention.

At each national convention, America's Credit Unions look for opportunities to give back to the host cities, noted CUNA Political Affairs Senior Vice President Richard Gose.

Co-Op Financial Services, the Corporate Credit Union Network, and state credit union leagues across the country were instrumental in the fundraising effort, which so far totals more than $350,000, he added.

Homes for Our Troops is a nonprofit organization that builds specially adapted homes for severely injured service members.

courtesy of

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