Thursday, June 26, 2008

CU ONE employee still working--at 90

FERNDALE, Mich. (6/26/08)--Harry Nowell, an employee of Credit Union ONE in Ferndale, Mich., will turn 90 on July 8.

Nowell is a "joy and inspiration to those around him," Judi Desiletes, assistant to president/CEO Gary Moody, told News Now.

Nowell works 20 hours per week at the credit union in the mail processing center, sorting and distributing all of Credit Union ONE's mail. He also still drives himself to work.

Nowell, who was born in Montreal, Quebec, joined the credit union in 1981--his third career in a lifetime. He worked in the purchasing and facilities departments, but has worked in the mail processing center for the past 10 years.

He came to the U.S. when he was eight years old and acquired his citizenship as a young adult. He graduated from Central High School in Detroit and established residence in Ferndale, Mich., after marrying his wife, Elizabeth, in 1941. They have eight children, 11 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

He worked for Ford Hospital from 1946 until he retired as assistant to the chief of maintenance in 1986.

He then managed a manufacturing facility in Davison, Mich. He retired--again--in 1981, returned to the Detroit area, and started work at Credit Union ONE.

Nowell and his wife earned Volunteers of the Year Awards several years ago. Nowell volunteered for the Red Cross Mobile Blood Bank, Ford Hospital, Providence Hospital, St. Joseph Oakland Hospital and Beaumont Royal Oak Hospital.

He enjoys spending time with his family, visiting his summer home in Beulah, Mich., and cheering on his favorite sports teams--the University of Michigan and the Detroit Tigers.
courtesy of

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